Our History
Christ Presbyterian Church was born out of a vision of several families from Somerville who attended Independent Presbyterian in Memphis and wanted to see a like minded church built in Fayette County. In 2005 Bible studies were initiated by these families with the help of IPC. In 2007 The Reverend Chris Treat was called to plant and develop a new Presbyterian Church in the area. In September of 2008 Christ Presbyterian Church of Fayette County became an official body of the Presbyterian Church in America. The Lord graciously supplied places for the church to worship at Fayette Academy and then in the former Tri-State Motors new car showroom. Twenty acres were purchased on Teague Store Road to be the future home of the church.
In 2014 Chris Treat was called to become director of church planting in Arkansas and to plant Hope Presbyterian Church near his original home. The Assistant Minister, John Sartelle, was called to serve as Senior Minister and to continue fulfilling the vision of a strong, vibrant Reformed Church in Fayette County. In 2015 a first phase building was built at 500 Teague Store Road. The church’s children’s ministry grew and flourished under the leadership of Kimberly Abernathy who also serves as church administrator. In 2017 The Reverend Tyler Kenyon was called to be the assistant minister focusing on continuing the development of a vibrant youth ministry. In 2018, Tyler was called by the congregation to serve as an associate minister.
In February 2022, John Sartelle resigned as Senior Minister and a Pulpit Committee was formed to begin the search for a new Senior Minister. After much prayer and through the Lord’s guidance, the pulpit committee unanimously recommended to the congregation to call Rev. Tyler Kenyon as Christ Presbyterian’s new Senior Minister and he was installed a few months later in August 2022.
As Christ Presbyterian has grown and expanded her ministry in every area our vision remains the same: We pray that in the power of the Holy Spirit we will be a strong, vibrant witness to the salvation and grace of Jesus Christ, anchored in the Biblical doctrines of the Reformation and will become a resource church for theology, teaching, worship, and discipleship for generations to come.
Christ Presbyterian Church is in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). The PCA is a relatively recent and conservative offspring of the oldest and more liberal PCUSA. For a larger history of the PCA, For a larger history of the PCA, click here.