First Name
Last Name
Preferred Name (if different than first):
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Date of Birth:
Marital Status
Spouse's Name (If married):
First Name
Last Name
Please provide name, age/grade, birthdate, profession of faith (yes/no?), baptism (yes/no?) for each of your children still living at home.
Are you currently a member of another congregation?
If yes, please list church name and address here:
Have you been baptized?
If so, what was the approximate date of your baptism?
I wish to join the church by:
Profession of Faith (This is for someone joining His church for the first time.)
Re-Affirmation of Faith (This is for a Christian who has been a member of another orthodox Christian church, but does not have access to a letter of transfer from that church.)
Transfer of Letter (This is for a Christian who has been a member of an orthodox Christian church and desires to obtain a letter of transfer from that church to CPC.)
Music Ministry
(check all that apply)
Play the piano
Play the guitar
Sing (in a choir group)
Sing (as a soloist)
I play an instrument not listed above: (please list)
Sound Board Team
I have sound board experience and would like to run the sound board on Sunday mornings
I would like to be trained to run the sound board
Children's Ministry
(check all that apply)
Nursery Volunteer (Sunday rotation schedule)
Toddler Room Volunteer (Sunday rotation schedule)
Teach a Sunday School class
Teach Me To Worship (TMTW) Volunteer (PreK-2nd-meets during the sermon)
Wednesday Night Program Volunteer
Vacation Bible School Volunteer (June 5-9, 9am-noon)
FORGE Youth Ministry
(check all that apply)
Teach Sunday School
Help with Youth on Wednesday Nights (6:15-8pm)
Help plan and organize special events
Chaperone Youth Ministry Conferences
Adult Small Groups
(check all that apply)
I would like to lead a Wednesday Group or Bible Study
I would like to host a Wednesday Group or Bible Study
I would like to teach an adult Sunday school class
I would like to teach or serve in Women's Ministry
I would like to teach or serve in Men's Ministry
Missions Team
(check all that apply)
I am interested in local missions
I am interested in global missions
Event Planning
I am interested in helping with event planning and set-up. (ex. Fellowship Dinners/Potlucks, Children’s Ministry Events, Women’s Ministry Events, Men’s Ministry Events, etc.)
Meals Ministry
I would like to sign up to provide meals as needed for the meals ministry
I am interested in assisting in the administration and organization of the meals ministry program.
I am interested in being a Greeter on Sunday mornings (once a month)
Prep/Clean-Up for Worship
(check all that apply)
I would like to make coffee and set-up juice and donuts for the 10 am Sunday morning fellowship (once a month)
I would like to clean-up after worship (straighten chairs & hymnals, dispose of trash, etc.)
I would like to prepare the Communion elements one month during the year
Church Maintenance
I would like to help with various maintenance tasks and projects around the church