Vacation Bible School 2024


June 3rd -7th

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

(for ages 4 years through rising 6th grade)

What is Olympion all about?

Olympion is where you can train to run the race of life and faith, which has a heavenly prize waiting for you that is more awesome than all the Olympic gold in the world!

At Olympion, you’ll meet Joshua, a great Bible champion, and be challenged to put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, who died on a cross to pay for our sins and bring us to victory.

Throughout Olympion’s events, you and your fellow Athletes will cheer each other on as you earn bronze, silver, and gold medal stickers, and world records, as you:

  • memorize verses from the Bible (Gospel Presentation)

  • complete worksheets (Training Log entry)

  • do things to help others

  • read your Bible (Bible Exploration)

The Refueling Station (snacks) and Games for Athletes will keep you in top shape.

The Bible says that we can throw off everything that weighs us down so we can run with endurance the race that is set before us. Looking to Jesus is the best thing you can do! So let’s get started.

The race of your life is about to begin. Olympion runners, take your mark! Get set!! GO!!!